Ghost Matter

Do Ghosts exist ? 
Do you believe in them? 
Well, after I came to know about dark matter, I wondered, if ghosts exist, are they made up of dark matter? We cannot touch this matter, neither feel it nor see it. So, possibly........ 

In the universe, there is a lot of stuff. We see the objects in space because light reflected by them reaches our eyes. But what if light doesn't get reflected from them? What if light just passes through objects so we can't see them? This may sound peculiar, but there is a kind of matter in the universe for which the above idea applies. This matter is called Dark Matter. 

We don't know much about dark matter at present. Dark matter, as belief goes, doesn't interact with normal matter. 

So, this is that kind of matter which you can't see nor touch nor feel. Then how was it discovered?
We can calculate the mass of a galaxy by various methods. One way is adding up the star light. The second way is by gravitational method. Either way must give you the same answer. 

But, the gravitational technique finds much higher mass than counting the star light - so there must be something extra, something which has mass but is not visible - Dark matter.

So what is it made of?
Mostly it cannot be made of normal matter, as it would be  inconsistent with the formation of elements in the early universe.
There is a belief which says that this dark matter is made up of axions - particles you can neither feel nor touch nor see. 

This is not science fiction. It is scientifically proven by astrophysicists that dark matter exists. 

So, if ghosts are formed of dark matter, there is every possibility that a ghost is sitting next to you, reading along! There may even be ghosts all over the room you are sitting in!
But don't be afraid. As said earlier, dark matter doesn't interact with normal matter. So a ghost can pass right through you without you having noticed. You also won't be able to see it, neither feel it nor touch it. So, you can wave your hand to an empty place....... 
Who knows? Maybe a ghost is standing there waving back at you...... 


  1. your way of expressing things is really cool...!
    it is kind of weird but i would be really glad if there's a person [or unknown:)] is waving back at me #dark mater ........ expecting more from u mahi ;)>

  2. Wooow u r scaring me.


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