
I finished the book ' How To Read The Solar System'. This book is written by Chris North and Paul Abel, and it is published by BBC books. This is a book from the Sky At Night series. It was first published in 2013.

There are a lot of star systems in the universe, but none is as special as our Solar system. It is the only known place in the universe to refuge life. Our Sun with it's eight planets comprises the main part of the solar system. But there is a lot more here in the solar system, the asteroid belt, the dwarf planets, the Kuiper belt etc. This book deals with all these topics in detail.

It also talks about ancient stargazers and astronomers who took a big leap in the right direction.
This book is a beginning guide to astronomy as well as a good read.

If you want to know about the solar system, this book can help you a lot. Readers who want to pursue astronomy in the future, will get a lot of information needed, in this book. Also people who are just space lovers and skygazers, will enjoy reading this book.
You will find a lot of topics in the book starting from the mysteries of planets to the secrets of their icy moons.

' Ever look up at the night and feel small? Don't. Instead, feel large. Atoms in our bodies trace to the remnents of exploded stars. We are star dust. We are alive in the universe. And the universe is alive within us.'

              - Neil deGrasse Tyson     


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