The Grandfather Paradox
So, I recently stumbled upon this thing called the grandfather paradox. And, literally, it drove me crazy.
Okay, so what is a paradox?
A sentence or a phenomenon that contradicts itself is called a paradox.
Sounds okay.......
So this grandfather paradox goes like this,
Imagine you had a time machine. You wanted to do some crazy fun and you went back in time to the time when your parents weren't born yet. You took a knife and killed your grandfather! (Imagine..)
So, implying, if your grandfather is dead before your parents were born, then either of your parents wouldn't exist. Which meant, you wouldn't exist.
Sounded okay till here...........
If you didn't exist, then who on Earth went back in time and killed your grandfather in the first place? If you didn't exist, then nobody went back in time to kill your grandfather, so, he is alive, which meant you should be alive. And this doesn't make sense.
So physicists have been working on this paradox for ages but still couldn't come up with satisfying answer.
Maybe one could say, time travel is not possible, so this would never happen. But, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, time travel IS POSSIBLE. It just needs warping of space-time which consumes a huge amount of energy. HUGE!!
There is an analogy too.
Imagine you left in the time machine and came back to stop yourself from leaving in the first place. If you didn't leave, then who came back to stop you?
Paradoxes ARE crazy stuff. It requires a lot of theoretical physics and a huge amount of logic to work these things out.
There is only one thing which may answer the paradox... Although it's not really satisfying.
So, it just goes on in this time loop... Which is kinda right... But not so satisfying...
It is a bit complicated though, but I'll try my best at it. See, time in simple terms is an integration of various realities and you exist in all such "moments" in your life. But you also exist in various births in some or the other forms. So, when your grandfather existed and none of your parents did, there form two cases: when your grandparents were married and when they weren't. If they were married, then your existence had lesser probalities. But in the second case, your existence had more chances. The only change would have been that you wouldn't have your own identity, but your lifetime would've been very similar. Reason is simple, you exist implies you are destined to exist; so I hope you now have a clearer idea... :)